Postgraduate student in Economic Criminal Law from Fundação Getúlio Vargas.
Postgraduate student in Medical Law and Bioethics at the Faculty of Medical Sciences of Santa Casa de São Paulo.
Graduated from Mackenzie Presbyterian University (2017.2 to 2022.2).
Member of the Permanent Commission for Selection and Registration of the Brazilian Bar Association.
Author of the article called: “Medical secrecy vs. abortion: an ethical and legal conflict” published in Conjur.
SÃO PAULO | Av. Brigadeiro Faria Lima, 2277, Plaza Iguatemi, 19º andar | T/F: (11) 3047.3131
BRASÍLIA | SAUS, Quadra 1, Bloco M, 10º andar, Ed. Libertas, Asa Sul | T/F: (61) 3322.7690
RIO DE JANEIRO | Praia de Botafogo, 440, 21° andar, Botafogo | T/F: (21) 3974.6250